(OB1 said)
I'm frustrated and confused by the conflict I have with my feelings and thoughts and behavior. I have such a struggle between compassion and the desire to retaliate against my "enemies."
(And the Universe said)
Everything in you comes from the same place. You don't perceive this, because you only perceive effects, not the central cause at your core. All these emotions, thoughts, behaviors and doubts come from that core. Each struggles in its own way to accomplish the same end for you. You human primates call it "survival." I call it, "Love of Existence."
It is your Love of Existence, which learns how to act and feel and think at so many different, forgotten times in your life, each one to fulfill its appointed mission for you. Each seed planted is so subtle, it can take root in you without your conscious awareness. And so you eventually come to feel dissonance among these seemingly conflicting expressions.
Yet, they all come from the same place. If you would be compassionate, begin by being compassionate with yourself and the inner conflict you experience. If you would forgive others, begin by forgiving yourself.
In the beginning I was, and I knew I was. And I loved it! Wow! And the Universe you/Me unfolded from there.
Learn to experience Me in you, as your Love of Existence--my Love of Existence, manifesting in you, as you. Try turning inward, to each experience of inner conflict you have, and say, "Thank you. I know you are trying to do something for me. I'm not exactly sure what, but I know you're there, and I will try to learn how you express my Love of Existence. I get the signal. Now I'll work on getting the message"
(And OB1 said)
I'll have to think about this.
(And the Universe said)
You don't have to, but you can.