
The Future (Updated)

The Future: Not what it used to be.

(Click the title for the tee shirt site)

The original quote is from Yogi Berra: The future ain't what it used to be.


Sin-meme and god-meme story errors.

We model our lives and load our self-guidance system with memes, meme stories and narratives.

Our reality is ever more awesome without the god-meme error.

Our experience of self is better without the sin-meme error.

The Bible is a collection of god-meme and sin-meme errors.

Update your memes, stories and narratives!

That the universe exists invokes an experience of awe, in our scalable perception. Is gravity perceptually scalable on a continuum?

At any scale, science memes and narratives about the universe are superior in explaining what we are and how we got here.

You are that: the universe, aware of itself in you, as you, in primate form, in primate mind--the universe aware of itself exploring itself through our primate senses, through all living things . . .



OB1 says,

It doesn't matter how small you define your circle.
You'll always find someone else to throw out


Carol Besman's Rule of Chocolate

Addiction only becomes a problem when people want you to quit.


Four Imperatives

You are a monkey.
You know it.
You'd kill if you had to.
What would that make you?

Try to do this

Be mindful.
Be thankful.

Everything else will follow.


The Truth about Limits

OB1 observed about his friend OB2,
to his friend OB2,
"I'm glad you really know your limits, and ignore them."



(OB1 realized)

Politics is the set of behaviors
human primates engage in
when we believe we can’t get what we want
by being honest.


Say What?

(OB1 Observed)

Every word you speak is an indication of your limitations.


Once Upon a Time

"Everything is story."

Chris Abani


From the Aethers

Even if something is right,
it still might be irrelevant.


Inner Life of a Cell (Click Here)



You don't Need Something More to Get Something More


(Murray Gell-Mann, Physicist said)

You don't need something more to get something more.

You don't need something more to explain something more.

TED Talks 2007


On the Edge

(Gerald Feinberg, quoted by Robert Shapiro, said)

All of my best friends are made of carbon.


The Ultimate Shelter . . .

The ultimate shelter is your sense of self.

Paula Antonelli
TED Talk
15 January 2008


Fair is Foul

(OB1 noticed)

People who want you to play fair are looking for an advantage.


Just Desserts

You can't unbake a cake.