(OB1 notes)
The difference between
a theist and atheist
is found in the meaning
of the gap between them.
I am
(In a moment of self-awareness, OB 1 wrote)
I am
The star that burst
And all that was
Is in me
And will be
The Sun
The Moon
The All-in-all . . .
And I am
And all alone
A swirling cloud
Of consciousness
And presence here
A whisper self
Of stars
And dust
In time . . .
I am
I do not know
I know
And will not be
And will be
And dust
Aught . . .
I am
The star that burst
And all that was
Is in me
And will be
The Sun
The Moon
The All-in-all . . .
And I am
And all alone
A swirling cloud
Of consciousness
And presence here
A whisper self
Of stars
And dust
In time . . .
I am
I do not know
I know
And will not be
And will be
And dust
Aught . . .
(OB1 noticed)
Earth became aware,
Conscious of (it)self.
It was out of roiling chaos—
stars and dust—
That Earth arose,
Her great web of life,
embodiment of consciousness,
Awakening from primal
seed soup oceans,
And in our times
In primate star dust minds.
Behold, Gaia's voluptuous body—
Mountains, deserts, canyons, oceans . . .
You are her body,
You, conscious,
You, mind full,
You programmable brain You!
Writhe and seethe
Passionate awareness.
Gaia wakens in you.
Listen to her-you.
Feel her-you.
Look, see her-you.
Breathe her-you.
Eat her body you.
I was born from You.
I am made of You.
And into You
I will dissolve.
And She answers:
When you inflect your body-mind Encompassing
Cosmos’s Tones,
Do you not awaken
To your reverberation
as an harmonic
of the Whole?
Behold, Beloved.
The Universe awakens
In you,
As you.
See with Universe eyes.
Hear with Universe ears.
Feel the textured Universe balancing gravity act.
Feast on Universe flavors.
Breathe in Universe smells,
Of All as All in All,
In primate form,
In primate mind.
My Beloved body-mind,
My resonating star dust flute
O wonderment of all
in awe
of all
as all
in all . . .
Earth became aware,
Conscious of (it)self.
It was out of roiling chaos—
stars and dust—
That Earth arose,
Her great web of life,
embodiment of consciousness,
Awakening from primal
seed soup oceans,
And in our times
In primate star dust minds.
Behold, Gaia's voluptuous body—
Mountains, deserts, canyons, oceans . . .
You are her body,
You, conscious,
You, mind full,
You programmable brain You!
Writhe and seethe
Passionate awareness.
Gaia wakens in you.
Listen to her-you.
Feel her-you.
Look, see her-you.
Breathe her-you.
Eat her body you.
I was born from You.
I am made of You.
And into You
I will dissolve.
And She answers:
When you inflect your body-mind Encompassing
Cosmos’s Tones,
Do you not awaken
To your reverberation
as an harmonic
of the Whole?
Behold, Beloved.
The Universe awakens
In you,
As you.
See with Universe eyes.
Hear with Universe ears.
Feel the textured Universe balancing gravity act.
Feast on Universe flavors.
Breathe in Universe smells,
Of All as All in All,
In primate form,
In primate mind.
My Beloved body-mind,
My resonating star dust flute
O wonderment of all
in awe
of all
as all
in all . . .
GeezerD's New Clarified Bible, Genesis 1, Post 2
(OB1 continued)
And then Godz sez, ”Let there be light” (later also to be known as “lite,” since one day there would be beer, made of light), and there wuz photons; and he/they let The-soon-to-appear-Elect-destined-human-primates be in the dark about the light, like how its speed doesn’t correlate with how old they will think the earth is, ‘cuz, like, we certainly don’t want them to know all our secret Godz stuff, like the secret handshake. And The Elect will not discover electricity or electrons for we shall kill their curiosity in a little while. ElectRon Hubbard will think he gets it. LOL! But we digress.
So Godz separated photons from most of the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum in the human primate sensorium, and in an egregious act of verbal irony and misdirection, made sure someone wrote that he/they SAW that it was good! No one ever questioned why, if Godz could see so well in the dark, his/their human primate creations shouldn’t be able to do the same, because they were to be created in his/their IMAGE. I mean, if you don’t create light, in what feature would human primates be created? Created in Godz's echo? It has to be light, because it hides everything else so perfectly, so the ELECT will not be distracted by science and want to be like Godz. As it is Godz decided he/they would misdirect his/their human primates from how good it is to run around bare-assed naked, by keeping it for himself/themselves though making them feel ashamed of it, even though that’s how they were created in Godz image. But, we’re getting ahead of the story.
So Godz separated photons from the rest of the electro-magnetic spectrum, and called the light “day,” and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum “night.” And Godz will let some of the destined consider the ramifications of this ruse to hide reality in the human primate experience of light.
And there was evening, and there was morning, the first day without an afternoon.
(To be continued)
And then Godz sez, ”Let there be light” (later also to be known as “lite,” since one day there would be beer, made of light), and there wuz photons; and he/they let The-soon-to-appear-Elect-destined-human-primates be in the dark about the light, like how its speed doesn’t correlate with how old they will think the earth is, ‘cuz, like, we certainly don’t want them to know all our secret Godz stuff, like the secret handshake. And The Elect will not discover electricity or electrons for we shall kill their curiosity in a little while. ElectRon Hubbard will think he gets it. LOL! But we digress.
So Godz separated photons from most of the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum in the human primate sensorium, and in an egregious act of verbal irony and misdirection, made sure someone wrote that he/they SAW that it was good! No one ever questioned why, if Godz could see so well in the dark, his/their human primate creations shouldn’t be able to do the same, because they were to be created in his/their IMAGE. I mean, if you don’t create light, in what feature would human primates be created? Created in Godz's echo? It has to be light, because it hides everything else so perfectly, so the ELECT will not be distracted by science and want to be like Godz. As it is Godz decided he/they would misdirect his/their human primates from how good it is to run around bare-assed naked, by keeping it for himself/themselves though making them feel ashamed of it, even though that’s how they were created in Godz image. But, we’re getting ahead of the story.
So Godz separated photons from the rest of the electro-magnetic spectrum, and called the light “day,” and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum “night.” And Godz will let some of the destined consider the ramifications of this ruse to hide reality in the human primate experience of light.
And there was evening, and there was morning, the first day without an afternoon.
(To be continued)
GeezerD's New Clarified Bible, Genesis 1, Post 1
(It was revealed to OB1)
Through much no great effort I present you with the initial results of my efforts to clarify the Bible. Herewith I present to you the initial verses of the book of Genesis.
In Their idea of the beginning, even though They knew it was going to end with a ginormous amount of pain, suffering, and eternal agony in hell for some of their creation, the Gods went ahead anyway and created the heavens and the earth; and, arbitrarily destined that some of their future creation would not suffer in the end, and destined a whole bunch more of their future creation to writhe in agony forever. This was, of course, before there was anyone around. The English translation later calls these Gods “ God,” and God will reward himself for his/their effort with the title “Love.” For the sake of clarity let’s refer to this singular-plural idea of an agony destining entity as “Godz.”
Now this Godz’s earth, which he/they just created, needed a little finish work, because it turned out to be formless and void, and somehow even though it was formless and void, it was deep formlessness and voidness, and had water hanging around somewhere in relation to the face (as opposed to the butt) of formlessness and voidness. (From this, later iterations of the Godz’s human primate creation will invent a spurious theological statement that, “It’s turtles all the way down.)
Even though there was formlessness and voidness, there was already up and down, because Godz’s spirit hovered over the surface of the waters. “Up” will later prove to be a problematic concept, when it turns out that the earth is round, and up is relative to where the human primate happens to be at the time, and whether or not the human primate is standing on his or her head. But that’s okay, because Godz intended there to be an incongruity for his/their ignorant human primate creations, who, though, through their Godz-given ability to reason, could figure out photosynthesis, would remain clueless about the words of explanation Godz caused to be written, later called the Bible; unless they were destined to understand it.
(To be continued)
Through much no great effort I present you with the initial results of my efforts to clarify the Bible. Herewith I present to you the initial verses of the book of Genesis.
In Their idea of the beginning, even though They knew it was going to end with a ginormous amount of pain, suffering, and eternal agony in hell for some of their creation, the Gods went ahead anyway and created the heavens and the earth; and, arbitrarily destined that some of their future creation would not suffer in the end, and destined a whole bunch more of their future creation to writhe in agony forever. This was, of course, before there was anyone around. The English translation later calls these Gods “ God,” and God will reward himself for his/their effort with the title “Love.” For the sake of clarity let’s refer to this singular-plural idea of an agony destining entity as “Godz.”
Now this Godz’s earth, which he/they just created, needed a little finish work, because it turned out to be formless and void, and somehow even though it was formless and void, it was deep formlessness and voidness, and had water hanging around somewhere in relation to the face (as opposed to the butt) of formlessness and voidness. (From this, later iterations of the Godz’s human primate creation will invent a spurious theological statement that, “It’s turtles all the way down.)
Even though there was formlessness and voidness, there was already up and down, because Godz’s spirit hovered over the surface of the waters. “Up” will later prove to be a problematic concept, when it turns out that the earth is round, and up is relative to where the human primate happens to be at the time, and whether or not the human primate is standing on his or her head. But that’s okay, because Godz intended there to be an incongruity for his/their ignorant human primate creations, who, though, through their Godz-given ability to reason, could figure out photosynthesis, would remain clueless about the words of explanation Godz caused to be written, later called the Bible; unless they were destined to understand it.
(To be continued)
The Chrysalis Inn
(OB1 wrote)
There is no sign saying
“Welcome to the Chrysalis Inn.”
That’s where I’m staying now.
That’s where I sleep,
Not yet dreaming butterfly dreams
But dreams of change nonetheless,
And an unanticipated future.
What caterpillar ever really knows
What’s locked in its genes?
But while I dream
I still work magic,
I still write words,
I still see visions:
I am my own Messiah.
There is no sign saying
“Welcome to the Chrysalis Inn.”
That’s where I’m staying now.
That’s where I sleep,
Not yet dreaming butterfly dreams
But dreams of change nonetheless,
And an unanticipated future.
What caterpillar ever really knows
What’s locked in its genes?
But while I dream
I still work magic,
I still write words,
I still see visions:
I am my own Messiah.
Sun Reflector
(David Lintner wrote)
It is just a little thing
The sun reflector turning
On the end of its nylon string.
I am not so much caught by
The rainbow play of colors
On my office wall
As with the afternoon
Indirect light
Which ripples across the surface
Of the variegated plane.
It softens into shades and rays
Of silver light,
Like the sun sometimes
On the surface of the
Ocean at sunset,
When all is soft whites
And brilliant grays
And silence.
It is just a little thing
The sun reflector turning
On the end of its nylon string.
I am not so much caught by
The rainbow play of colors
On my office wall
As with the afternoon
Indirect light
Which ripples across the surface
Of the variegated plane.
It softens into shades and rays
Of silver light,
Like the sun sometimes
On the surface of the
Ocean at sunset,
When all is soft whites
And brilliant grays
And silence.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
(OB1 grokked)
If you want to uncover the cause
of what's really dangerous in the world,
all you need do is look in the mirror.
If you want to uncover the cause
of what's really dangerous in the world,
all you need do is look in the mirror.
The Complete Forgiveness of All Your Sins
(OB1 Avers)
There is only One Way
to be free from sin:
Give up the idea of it.
There is only One Way
to be free from sin:
Give up the idea of it.
(OB1 thought)
Kaleidoscope, axonic thought,
The colors of my mind explode:
Ex nihilo or not, they're there,
The cortical umbilicus
Of what and why and who and where.
Conception or genetic thought,
The process is the same I think:
Potential infinite unknowns
Are concretized in time and space,
In mental gardens they are grown.
The genesis of me unknown,
This piece of paper captures time
From three dimensions in my head,
In two dimensions smacks them down
As time itself will smack me dead.
The unformed, caught in webs of life,
Are given shape in shapeless nows;
Into the finite world they fall
From shapeless possibilities,
And structure solid I-am walls.
Kaleidoscope, axonic thought,
The colors of my mind explode:
Ex nihilo or not, they're there,
The cortical umbilicus
Of what and why and who and where.
Conception or genetic thought,
The process is the same I think:
Potential infinite unknowns
Are concretized in time and space,
In mental gardens they are grown.
The genesis of me unknown,
This piece of paper captures time
From three dimensions in my head,
In two dimensions smacks them down
As time itself will smack me dead.
The unformed, caught in webs of life,
Are given shape in shapeless nows;
Into the finite world they fall
From shapeless possibilities,
And structure solid I-am walls.
Refiner's Fire
(OB1 struggled)
I hurt to search for god(s)
Inside or out:
The empty, echoing
Unanswered questioning . . .
Refiner's fire.
How hard to uncreate realities
When none are given sure
Except the choice
To make the world or not.
But then, who knows?
Do I? I do.
But what do I
Except by chance?
Refiner's fire.
And then what choices do I make
That were not made for me
When random chance and circumstance
Prescribed reality for me
Within my web of flesh,
My brain, my animal?
Refiner's fire.
From time and space the DNA from two
And thousands yet before,
Linked up
And made the space I am in time,
Like looking at the images of selves
While sandwiched in between
Two mirrored walls,
The twisting molecules with patterns set
To replicate and grow a me,
A vehicle for changeling mind
That builds on pasts and banished ghosts,
Yet reaches out to find the new.
Refiner's fire.
I know I came from stars.
I know I'll fall apart again, dissolve.
But what of in between?
What now, what then, what god(s), what
Alone, I feel alone
And search the deep inside or out.
I do not know.
I know.
Refiner's fire.
I hurt to search for god(s)
Inside or out:
The empty, echoing
Unanswered questioning . . .
Refiner's fire.
How hard to uncreate realities
When none are given sure
Except the choice
To make the world or not.
But then, who knows?
Do I? I do.
But what do I
Except by chance?
Refiner's fire.
And then what choices do I make
That were not made for me
When random chance and circumstance
Prescribed reality for me
Within my web of flesh,
My brain, my animal?
Refiner's fire.
From time and space the DNA from two
And thousands yet before,
Linked up
And made the space I am in time,
Like looking at the images of selves
While sandwiched in between
Two mirrored walls,
The twisting molecules with patterns set
To replicate and grow a me,
A vehicle for changeling mind
That builds on pasts and banished ghosts,
Yet reaches out to find the new.
Refiner's fire.
I know I came from stars.
I know I'll fall apart again, dissolve.
But what of in between?
What now, what then, what god(s), what
Alone, I feel alone
And search the deep inside or out.
I do not know.
I know.
Refiner's fire.
Christ at the Door
(OB1 lamented)
Christ, if you came knocking
At my door another time,
And not so close to death,
I might have answered.
But you've wrapped yourself in
Others' flesh too many times
To force your presence on me.
Without an answer back,
Without an acknowledgment,
You ignored me when
I cried out to you,
When I pled you my case.
Too many times I've splintered
My fists on the unopened door:
There, in the rasp and click
Of mechanical breathing
Machines and suction tubes;
There in charred children's
Flesh and bandaged bodies;
There in parents' anguished looks—
The grief, the pain unfolding.
I've seen enough of you
There, in old bodies, pleading
To be released in death,
To suffer not long
Endless days of nothing
There in wasting forevers
In the prisons of the old;
There, beside dead father's
Corpse, the widow grieving and
The child not touching,
The flesh growing cold,
The anguishing feeling,
The truth of separation:
No more tomorrows of him;
There, in cheap wine mists of
Consciousness clouded clots of
Memories fading
In a green bottle
Sea of forgetfulness:
There is no room in the inn
For the alcohol children;
There, there in a hundred
Deaths' hundred thousand dyings,
Where I have seen your face,
I reached out to them,
I reached out to hold them
Because I saw them crying.
And now I am burned out.
Now I am burned out and dead.
The little left to me—
My specially loved—
You have begun to eat.
And when I cry out to you,
You crucify me with pain.
Once more, from your left hand,
The unfolding question-marks,
The tear-rimmed eyes brimming,
The coming of death,
The silent anguish they
Strain to hold within themselves,
Within their webs of aching.
Thus, god, I am tired.
Thus, god, so goddamned tired:
No resurrecting strength
Is left where fires
Consumed my heart, and
Left cremated ashes in
My flesh, an empty vessel.
Christ, if you came knocking
At my door another time,
And not so close to death,
I might have answered.
But you've wrapped yourself in
Others' flesh too many times
To force your presence on me.
Without an answer back,
Without an acknowledgment,
You ignored me when
I cried out to you,
When I pled you my case.
Too many times I've splintered
My fists on the unopened door:
There, in the rasp and click
Of mechanical breathing
Machines and suction tubes;
There in charred children's
Flesh and bandaged bodies;
There in parents' anguished looks—
The grief, the pain unfolding.
I've seen enough of you
There, in old bodies, pleading
To be released in death,
To suffer not long
Endless days of nothing
There in wasting forevers
In the prisons of the old;
There, beside dead father's
Corpse, the widow grieving and
The child not touching,
The flesh growing cold,
The anguishing feeling,
The truth of separation:
No more tomorrows of him;
There, in cheap wine mists of
Consciousness clouded clots of
Memories fading
In a green bottle
Sea of forgetfulness:
There is no room in the inn
For the alcohol children;
There, there in a hundred
Deaths' hundred thousand dyings,
Where I have seen your face,
I reached out to them,
I reached out to hold them
Because I saw them crying.
And now I am burned out.
Now I am burned out and dead.
The little left to me—
My specially loved—
You have begun to eat.
And when I cry out to you,
You crucify me with pain.
Once more, from your left hand,
The unfolding question-marks,
The tear-rimmed eyes brimming,
The coming of death,
The silent anguish they
Strain to hold within themselves,
Within their webs of aching.
Thus, god, I am tired.
Thus, god, so goddamned tired:
No resurrecting strength
Is left where fires
Consumed my heart, and
Left cremated ashes in
My flesh, an empty vessel.
Not-So-Original Sin
(OB1 wrote)
Our ancestors in Eden fell
And helped us all go straight to hell
Without the need to give a hoot
About the choice to eat the fruit.
The many billion souls of us
Have never had to make a fuss
About the prodding of the snake:
It is assumed we're on the take.
Our ancestors in Eden fell
And helped us all go straight to hell
Without the need to give a hoot
About the choice to eat the fruit.
The many billion souls of us
Have never had to make a fuss
About the prodding of the snake:
It is assumed we're on the take.
No Need for a Prime Mover
(OB1 reflects)
I read the words “Prime Mover” this morning, while reading a geographer's thoughts on the Nevada deserts of the Great Basin.
When I think about the universe, when I look around, and think there is no need for a prime mover as an explanation for existence, my experience becomes richer, awesome, alive, fertile. I am a part of a living thing.
If I think there was a prime mover, the universe becomes a thing, and I feel dissociated from it.
Without a prime mover, I can talk to the universe and be heard. I can completely express myself, say anything I want. There is no judgment, only the unfolding present.
My consciousness arises, and my consciousness will fade away.
I look at the beauty of the universe’s existence, watching it flow, from wonder, into wonder.
This is not about reason, nor what has to be, but my experience of what is.
The universe is a great smorgasbord, and though I cannot partake of it all, I am a participant in it.
I read the words “Prime Mover” this morning, while reading a geographer's thoughts on the Nevada deserts of the Great Basin.
When I think about the universe, when I look around, and think there is no need for a prime mover as an explanation for existence, my experience becomes richer, awesome, alive, fertile. I am a part of a living thing.
If I think there was a prime mover, the universe becomes a thing, and I feel dissociated from it.
Without a prime mover, I can talk to the universe and be heard. I can completely express myself, say anything I want. There is no judgment, only the unfolding present.
My consciousness arises, and my consciousness will fade away.
I look at the beauty of the universe’s existence, watching it flow, from wonder, into wonder.
This is not about reason, nor what has to be, but my experience of what is.
The universe is a great smorgasbord, and though I cannot partake of it all, I am a participant in it.
In Memorium
(OB1 observes)
Depending on who does it,
the only two things lost in death
are ignorance and idiocy.
Depending on who does it,
the only two things lost in death
are ignorance and idiocy.
Stranger Than We Can Imagine
(OB1 notices)
The person who asks,
"Is this all there is?"
Hasn't even started the race.
The person who asks,
"Is this all there is?"
Hasn't even started the race.
The Ship of Fools
(OB1 observed)
Most human primates make no distinction between
their thoughts and their existence.
If you threaten their beliefs, you threaten them with annihilation.
Most human primates will fight to survive by rejecting the perceived threat.
Human primate ideas about the meaning of existence and events
and their causes,
are the attempt to survive.
It is extremely difficult for an ignorant human primate
to understand the natural process of cause and effect,
but they will give it meaning.
(“Ignorant" is not used as a moral judgment,
but as a statement of the lack of information).
If a human primate believes the survuval-based idea
of a reality-creating god, who rewards and punishes
disobedient non-believing human primates,
and, that idea is threatened,
they will vigorously defend themselves (idea = self-concept),
and even try to eliminate the threat by whatever means serve their survival.
A great dilemma in our time
is how to ameliorate ignorant, survival-based, in-group absolutism.
Most human primates make no distinction between
their thoughts and their existence.
If you threaten their beliefs, you threaten them with annihilation.
Most human primates will fight to survive by rejecting the perceived threat.
Human primate ideas about the meaning of existence and events
and their causes,
are the attempt to survive.
It is extremely difficult for an ignorant human primate
to understand the natural process of cause and effect,
but they will give it meaning.
(“Ignorant" is not used as a moral judgment,
but as a statement of the lack of information).
If a human primate believes the survuval-based idea
of a reality-creating god, who rewards and punishes
disobedient non-believing human primates,
and, that idea is threatened,
they will vigorously defend themselves (idea = self-concept),
and even try to eliminate the threat by whatever means serve their survival.
A great dilemma in our time
is how to ameliorate ignorant, survival-based, in-group absolutism.
The Other Conscious Mind
(OB1 noticed)
God and Satan;
One and the same,
Each hiding in the same place,
Inside you,
Until you recognize the Other.
Does the Other recognize you?
God and Satan;
One and the same,
Each hiding in the same place,
Inside you,
Until you recognize the Other.
Does the Other recognize you?
On Religious Fanaticism
(Former US President Bill Clinton said)
"In other words,
they thought their differences were more important
than their common humanity.
It is the central, psychological plague of human kind
in the twenty-first century."
On accepting a 2007 TED Prize
"In other words,
they thought their differences were more important
than their common humanity.
It is the central, psychological plague of human kind
in the twenty-first century."
On accepting a 2007 TED Prize
Being Real
(OB1 said again)
No matter how outrageous the lie you tell,
or how many masks you wear,
you are always your authentic self.
No matter how outrageous the lie you tell,
or how many masks you wear,
you are always your authentic self.
Another Serving of Heat, Please
(OB1 Observed)
I love experiencing the "laws" of the universe at play, in the stars of the night sky, the roaring of waterfalls, the blossoming of fragrant flowers. I am not so thrilled to view the top of my desk as an expression of the second law of thermodynamics.
I love experiencing the "laws" of the universe at play, in the stars of the night sky, the roaring of waterfalls, the blossoming of fragrant flowers. I am not so thrilled to view the top of my desk as an expression of the second law of thermodynamics.
You are Here
(OB1, being an expression thereof, said)
The Universe is its own destiny.
(Unless something bigger eats it.)
The Universe is its own destiny.
(Unless something bigger eats it.)
Never Never Never Never, Maybe
(OB1 says)
Self-deception is the easiest thing to do,
And the hardest thing to admit.
Self-deception is the easiest thing to do,
And the hardest thing to admit.
Ashes, the Unstruck Match Burns
(I write)
The path I walk is, at the same time,
like a straight line, from day to day; yet
meandering here and there, from moment to moment;
both purposeful and purposeless,
depending on the shifting sands of my attitude;
and most certainly like a labyrinth,
if I am willing to surrender and not surrender
at the same time.
Wandering in circles, loops, back and forth,
I walk a straight path,
from beginning to end,
here in one moment, gone the next.
Existence, regardless.
The path I walk is, at the same time,
like a straight line, from day to day; yet
meandering here and there, from moment to moment;
both purposeful and purposeless,
depending on the shifting sands of my attitude;
and most certainly like a labyrinth,
if I am willing to surrender and not surrender
at the same time.
Wandering in circles, loops, back and forth,
I walk a straight path,
from beginning to end,
here in one moment, gone the next.
Existence, regardless.
Truth and Consequences
(OB1 says)
One of the greatest lies:
the truth will set you free.
Depending on the circumstances,
the truth is likely to get you killed.
One of the greatest lies:
the truth will set you free.
Depending on the circumstances,
the truth is likely to get you killed.
A Moving Experience
(OB1 said)
A Chinese sage said something like, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
But I say unto you, "Moving my office two blocks was way more of a pain in the ass."
A Chinese sage said something like, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
But I say unto you, "Moving my office two blocks was way more of a pain in the ass."
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