
More Nothing

(Bishop Stifler--OB9--mused)

Is Nothing sacred?


More Synodical Sayings

(OB1 mentioned to Bishop Keller)

If you don't want to feel like shit,
stop being the fertilizer
for soneone else's flower.


Then There's That

(Overheard in the Synod of Bishops)

OB1: Bishop Keller, one day you're really going to get [understand] it.

OB3: I already get it; I just don't want it.


Amen and Amen

(Bishop Keller said, in a moment of rare clarity)

I may know what the truth is,
but that still doesn't mean
I'm going to do the right thing.



Introducing 555: Satan Lite. Less damning, more chaste.

Exhale, Inhale

(The Universe said)

All bodies in space
fall toward their own center.




Lie to Me

(OB1 observes)

Language is amazing.
Consider, for example,
the three middle letters
in the word "believe."


(OB1 says)

Everyone believes.



(ON1 observed)

Belief is both a blessing and a curse.
It is a blessing when it provides you with direction;
It is a curse if the direction requires you
To condemn someone else for theirs.



(OB1 said)

The illusion of context is everything.


Beyond the Trauma Drama

(Jae Woong Kim wrote)

Who wrote this play
in which we have to laugh, cry,
and exit according to the script?
No god can write it, nor can Buddha.
Only your own mind can write it.

Polishing the Diamond

(Go to: How to Change Your Drama)


Argue All You Want

(In the bagel shop, Ollie said)

"Everyone has to work out their own salvation."


Now What

(TOTC teaches)

Job titles:
not who you are,
but what you do.

Another Problem Solved

(God reports)

555 and I are close to developing theological suppositories for fundamentalist human primate leaders of all religions. It should relieve them of what little thinking they do, as well as provide them something tangible to do with their teaching.


And That Changes What?

(OB1 wrote)

Lazarus from his tomb sprang out
And on his face he wore a pout:

"My God, why did you cause this fuss?
Are you afraid of death, Jesus?
I mean, I was content to die,
So why not simply let me lie
Within the tomb I had called mine?
Now must I die a second time?
I mean, this is beyond belief--
Now all will have a double grief,
A funeral to pay again!
Why did you wake me up, my friend?"

And Jesus said,

"I know it's awful,
But Johnny here is writing gospel.
So really, Laz, don't act so groggy--
I could have brought you back a froggy.
And if you push and gripe and goad
I'll change you to a hoppy toad,
Or better yet, a pig!"

"Oh no, sir!
That wouldn't be at all quite kosher!"

So Lazarus came 'a smiling out,
And six months later died of gout.

JOHN 11:44-45