
And That Changes What?

(OB1 wrote)

Lazarus from his tomb sprang out
And on his face he wore a pout:

"My God, why did you cause this fuss?
Are you afraid of death, Jesus?
I mean, I was content to die,
So why not simply let me lie
Within the tomb I had called mine?
Now must I die a second time?
I mean, this is beyond belief--
Now all will have a double grief,
A funeral to pay again!
Why did you wake me up, my friend?"

And Jesus said,

"I know it's awful,
But Johnny here is writing gospel.
So really, Laz, don't act so groggy--
I could have brought you back a froggy.
And if you push and gripe and goad
I'll change you to a hoppy toad,
Or better yet, a pig!"

"Oh no, sir!
That wouldn't be at all quite kosher!"

So Lazarus came 'a smiling out,
And six months later died of gout.

JOHN 11:44-45