
Sin-meme and god-meme story errors.

We model our lives and load our self-guidance system with memes, meme stories and narratives.

Our reality is ever more awesome without the god-meme error.

Our experience of self is better without the sin-meme error.

The Bible is a collection of god-meme and sin-meme errors.

Update your memes, stories and narratives!

That the universe exists invokes an experience of awe, in our scalable perception. Is gravity perceptually scalable on a continuum?

At any scale, science memes and narratives about the universe are superior in explaining what we are and how we got here.

You are that: the universe, aware of itself in you, as you, in primate form, in primate mind--the universe aware of itself exploring itself through our primate senses, through all living things . . .