(Consider this)
The purpose of this blog is to explore spirituality
as a common phenomenon among all people,
placing it in the context of human primate experience and expression,
with the essential understanding that we are an example of the universe
that is awake and aware as us, seeking to know itself, in us.
I believe, in my experience, that the ultimate question for human primates is about identity. Everything we experience flows from our sense of self.
My questions have shifted from, "Who am I, and what is my place in the universe?" to "What is the universe, and how are we a manifestation of it?" "We" includes all that is, as we are capable of seeking and perceiving the all-that-is.
Curiosity is certainty's spiritual guide.
Scientific exploration is today's spiritual practice, and produces a sense of awe and wonder.
Awe and wonder are the most profound expressions of spiritual experience.
You are the universe,
in primate form, in primate mind,
awake and aware of itself,
seeking to know itself,
as best it can,
in you, as you.