
God Muscles

(Sister Martie Neely said)

I don’t know if I heard it or read it somewhere, but somehow I came up with the phrase, “I’m flexing my God muscles today.” At first it made me laugh, yet felt strangely powerful. So, what does it mean to me?

We know that physical muscles become weak if not used—the old saying “use it or loose it” comes to mind. I suspect that’s true of our spiritual muscles as well.

Flexing my God Muscles is using my spiritual awareness, my knowingness. It’s knowing there’s a Power far greater than I, yet very much available to me. It’s accepting who and what I am by divine design. It’s knowing that God is all there is—omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient; that there is no place where God it not. It’s awareness of being connected to all life, and that there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. It is being truly grateful for God’s Power and Presence in my life. It’s not letting appearances or others control or dictate my fate. It’s knowing that under all the layers of humanity there is god, always available; that if I step out of my humanity (the worries, the cares, the what-if’s) and into the Light of my Source, surrounded by God’s Grace, the results are spectacular.

I could probably go on for days about all the meanings, but suffice it to say: God is all there is, and when I really feel this at the core of my being, I am truly flexing my God Muscles.