
Original Sin (Or Not)

(OB1 wrote)

Our ancestors in Eden fell
And helped us all go straight to hell
Without the need to give a hoot
About the choice to eat the fruit.

The many billion souls of us
Have never had to make a fuss
About the prodding of the snake:
It is assumed we're on the take.


The Universe Awakening

(OB1 remembered)

Good, fond memory of rock and trees,
when you ran your hand over the bark,
and felt kinship with the towering pines.
They were alive to you,
and you understood your kinship.

You held the smooth stones
in your hand and felt their hardness.
Rock and earth, birthplace of being,
alive from the dust and the earth.
See the elements from which you came.
Know that the wind will blow your ashes away,
and you who were will be scattered once again to the stars.

Now, this consciousness,
now this precious consciousness
for which you shout thanks!
To be alive and experience—
there is nothing greater!

Dark night, with stars sparkling in the sky,
a sense of unity and profound awe.
Tears at the sudden understanding,
and the expansive inner leap into the universe.

O this inner sense you cannot name!

Thrill in the wind once again!

O the profound unknown,
and the thrill of it!



We're Not in Kansas Anymore

(And the Universe said)

Life is not what it seems.


Take a Hike

(OB1 observed)

Everyone walks the same path, differently.


A Lesson in Modal Operators

(OB1 says)

Should isn’t.


I Thought So

(Paul Rep observed)

The wind doesn’t move,
the flag doesn’t move;
the mind moves.

Zen Flesh, Zen Bones


Jesus is My Gardener

(Marvin Meyer quotes)

For, one who has not known oneself
has not known anything,
but one who has known oneself
already has acquired knowledge
about the depth of the universe.

The Unknown Sayings of Jesus, #45


Will We All Wake Up?

(OB1 says)

Listen, Monkeys: some of the people who are asking the really important questions are scientists. It might surprise you how profoundly they feel a great sense of Awe, standing at the edge of perception, staring into the face of the universe, and realizing that the thing they study is awake and aware in us, staring back at itself.

As If He Knew

(The Universe asked OB1)

Where am I headed?
And what was my beginning?

Will I ever really know?

Unanswered Questions

(OB1 asked the Universe)

How can you feel such longing?

Does Size Really Matter?

(OB1 asked the Universe)

How small can small be,
how big can big be?


The Appropriate Use of Surface-to-Surface Missiles

(OB1 said)

Do not commit entropy unto others,
as you would have others not commit entropy unto you.

As if.


The Absolute Truth

(OB1 wondered)

You might have all the facts,
but how many ways can you assemble them?
Is there a proper sequence?
Here are five facts: 1. 4; 2. 2; 3. =; 4. +; 5. 2.
Actually, it took twenty facts to convey five facts.
So what is their proper sequence?
What is the truth of “42 = +2”?


A Pearl of Great Price on Sale

(The Rev. Mr. Pat Robertspawn said)

A fool and his money are soon parted.
Praise the Lord!

The One True Path

(OB1 said)

There is only one path:
It is wide enough for everyone.
Why push and shove?
It leads us all to the same place.
No need to jostle for position along the Way,
Nor at the Door:
We all pass through.

We all have the best seat in the house.


It's Nothing, Really

(OB1 asks)

Why something, rather than nothing?


(OB1 asks)

Who, or what, plucked the string?


Dancing the World

(The Universe said)

You really never go anywhere;
You bring it to you.


Direction in Life

(OB1 said)

Life is the spiritual path.


Om Tat Sat

(And the Universe said)

I am your eyes,
and all that your eyes see;
I am the thoughts in your mind,
and all that gives rise to them;
I am the sounds you hear,
and the ears that hear them;
I am every feeling you have,
the hidden meanings at your core;
I am the fragrance of flowers,
and the wind that brings aromas to you;
I am the taste of honey in your mouth,
and your lips and tongue;
I am the air that you breathe,
and I am your breath;
I am your body, your mind and your soul:
I am All-that-is,
and you are that;
There is none other.


Big Monkey in the Sky

(And the Universe said)

Human primates, in one way or another,
need a bigger loud scary monkey to believe in,
to save them from other big loud scary monkeys.

Here I Am

(Rabindranath Tagore said)

The time that my journey takes is long
and the way of it long.

I came out on the chariot of the first
gleam of light, and pursued my voyage
through the wilderness of worlds leaving
my track on many a star and planet.

It is the most distant course that comes
nearest to thyself, and that training is the
most intricate which leads to the utter
simplicity of a tune.

The traveler has to knock at every alien
door to come to his own, and one has to
wander through all the outer worlds to
reach the innermost shrine at the end.

My eyes strayed far and wide before I
shut them and said “Here art thou!”

The question and the cry “Oh, where?”
melt into tears of a thousand streams and
deluge the world with the flood of the
assurance “I am!”

Gitanjali, #12


The Essence of Fundamentalism

(The Rev. Mr. Jerry Scarewell said)

God loves you so much
that if you don't believe him
He'll torture you in Hell forever.

The End

(And the Universe said)

Nothing is ever lost.


Point Counterpoinnt

(And the Universe said)

There is a central point
from which your life manifests.
It is located at the nexus
between the distinction your mind makes
between the light and darkness.

Out of Stock

(OB1 Says)

Sin the the second greatest gimmick.

Unfortunately, we have none for sale here.

Intense Stuff

(Ron Smothermon, M.D., wrote)

What is interesting about intense stuff
is that everyone can see the unreality of it
except the person responsible
for the mind that invented it.

Winning Through Enlightenment


War and the Rumor of War

(OB1 observed)

Fear and identity create the context for aggression.
It is a downward spiral of exclusion.
There will always be someone to exclude,
Until there is only one human primate left.
That one will then be at war with him/herself.

How do we create identity?



(OB1 observes)

The essential problem with us human primates is something like this: we've eliminted the threat of any other preditor waiting in the darkness for the chance to pounce on us and eat us. However, we're still fundamentally afraid of the dark. So we invent things to account for that fear. Any "enemy" or issue we invent will do. We become the object of our own fear. As Walt Kelly so knowingly misquoted, in his Pogo cartoons of years ago:

We have met the enemy, and he is us.


The Essence of All Things

(Swami Chetanananda wrote)

All things are nothing more
than condensations of the creative energy of Life.

The Breath of God



God Muscles

(Sister Martie Neely said)

I don’t know if I heard it or read it somewhere, but somehow I came up with the phrase, “I’m flexing my God muscles today.” At first it made me laugh, yet felt strangely powerful. So, what does it mean to me?

We know that physical muscles become weak if not used—the old saying “use it or loose it” comes to mind. I suspect that’s true of our spiritual muscles as well.

Flexing my God Muscles is using my spiritual awareness, my knowingness. It’s knowing there’s a Power far greater than I, yet very much available to me. It’s accepting who and what I am by divine design. It’s knowing that God is all there is—omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient; that there is no place where God it not. It’s awareness of being connected to all life, and that there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. It is being truly grateful for God’s Power and Presence in my life. It’s not letting appearances or others control or dictate my fate. It’s knowing that under all the layers of humanity there is god, always available; that if I step out of my humanity (the worries, the cares, the what-if’s) and into the Light of my Source, surrounded by God’s Grace, the results are spectacular.

I could probably go on for days about all the meanings, but suffice it to say: God is all there is, and when I really feel this at the core of my being, I am truly flexing my God Muscles.


Our life is shaped by our mind;
we become what we think.

Buddha, The Dammapada
Eknath Easwaran, Trans.



(And the Universe said to the Angel)

The human primates' favorite game is "let's pretend."

(And the Angel asked)

What's their second favorite game?

(And the Universe said)

Let's pretend we're not pretneding.


Waking Up

(OB1 said)

Cosmic birth,
The Universe unfolding stardust
Into the emptiness of space . . .

Star birth,
Ancestor star,
Living, growing, bursting again,
Galactic nursery of our kind . . .

Sun igniting,
Earth condensing
From the cloudic nebula . . .

The Sun’s companion,
Primordial life soup of stardust
Coming alive . . .

Crawling from the sea,
The myriad host of living things . . .

One night
I looked into the night sky
And saw my birthing in the stars,
And understood
I am the Universe
Conscious of itself . . .


Tao Te Ching

(Lao Tsu said)

Existence is beyond the power of words
To define:
Terms may be used
But are none of them absolute.
In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,
Words came out of the womb of matter;
And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different
Only to express appearance.
If name be needed, wonder names them both:
From wonder into wonder
Existence opens.

Weitter Bynner, Trans.,
The Way of Life According to Lao Tsu,
New York, Perigee Books, 1972,

Life Explained

(And the Universe said)

Your life has three parts:
The beginning, the middle, and the end.

This is the middle part.